Humphrey and the Squirrel

Humphrey and the Squirrel is a prequel to Ian Thomson’s successful novel, Humphrey and Jack.
Humphrey does battle with his nosy neighbour, Mrs Bellingham – with Aristotle the cat – and with a malicious squirrel – each of whom is a threat to his beloved garden birds.
You could read the story as a taster for the novel or to meet again characters you’ve already encountered.
Either way, you’ll enjoy Thomson’s sharp plotting and twinkling wit.

Find it on Amazon for only 99p

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Anyway, congratulations on another great story. I love your word combinations and carefully nuanced syntax. Very rare today.

Finishing a book you’ve enjoyed brings a measure of regret along with the satisfaction and pleasure. What a treat it is, then, to receive another, albeit brief, glimpse into that world.
So it is welcome that Dr Humphrey Icke makes a return appearance to fulminate against another injustice of the universe in “Humphrey and the Squirrel.” In this story (no spoiler alert necessary), it is a greedy garden rodent. Along with frustration and hypertension, the squirrel occasions a curtain call for the rogue’s gallery found in Humphrey and Jack, and I am pleased to say that Norman, Hector, Garth, Mrs Price and Mr Fitzpatrick are all here, and appear to be in good health.
And so is Mrs Bellingham and Aristotle, who skulks around like a sullen teenager just waiting for a chance to make trouble. Quite why Humphrey has so taken against Mrs Bellingham is something of a conundrum.
There is something delightful about being able to download an excellent story for a few pence. While I am a great fan of the printed book, such flights of frivolity would not be as accessible or immediate as they are in our digital age.
As usual, Thomson has written a well-crafted and sharply observed story, replete with clever word choices and carefully honed syntax. Readers can only hope for more from his pen/iPad/crayon.

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