What’s in a Name?
Coincidences by Ian Thomson There was a boy in my form at school with the same name as me. Exactly the same name. There was no intrusive ‘p’…
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Coincidences by Ian Thomson There was a boy in my form at school with the same name as me. Exactly the same name. There was no intrusive ‘p’…
Humphrey sat on the garden swing with the green pistol in one hand and the red pistol in the other. A large King Edward potato lay in his…
O what a tangled web we weaveWhen first we practise to deceive When he was about four, Lucas kept a kiwi fruit as a pet. He had made…
‘Do you have cherries?’ asked Bridget. ‘Oui, Madame,’ said the woman serving, ‘but they are still very dear at this time of the year.’ ‘Of course. How…