‘Legend’ (1985).
Saw it was directed by Ridley Scott and was tempted in. Has unicorns in it. High risk of hyperglaecemia. Equivalent to eating four kilos of sticky toffee pudding at a sitting. Lasted less than ten minutes
Rating *
‘Stand by Me’ (1986)
Haven’t seen this for years. The boys’ acting stands the test of time. Writer Steven King supplies some typical suspenseful moments but I was less impressed on this viewing. What comes over most powerfully is how dreadful small town America is/was/seems. Kiefer Sutherland has a good line in playing bullying low life types. His character ‘Ace’ is particularly obnoxious.
Glaecimic index warning:Big slab of sticky toffee pudding at the end.
Rating ***
1 Comment
Try to catch the neglected Peter Sellers movie, “The World of Henry Orient” (1964). Cute, privileged, musically talented tweens in a safe New York City and paedophilic fears have kept this one off the networks. Angela Lansbury still in her bitchy mother days [her performance in “The Manchurian Candidate” (the real one), is still chilling] gives a great performance. Good supporting cast.