Friday Night Movies

‘Legend’ (1985).
Saw it was directed by Ridley Scott and was tempted in. Has unicorns in it. High risk of hyperglaecemia. Equivalent to eating four kilos of sticky toffee pudding at a sitting. Lasted less than ten minutes
Rating *

‘Stand by Me’ (1986)
Haven’t seen this for years. The boys’ acting stands the test of time. Writer Steven King supplies some typical suspenseful moments but I was less impressed on this viewing. What comes over most powerfully is how dreadful small town America is/was/seems. Kiefer Sutherland has a good line in playing bullying low life types. His character ‘Ace’ is particularly obnoxious.
Glaecimic index warning:Big slab of sticky toffee pudding at the end.
Rating ***

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1 Comment

Try to catch the neglected Peter Sellers movie, “The World of Henry Orient” (1964). Cute, privileged, musically talented tweens in a safe New York City and paedophilic fears have kept this one off the networks. Angela Lansbury still in her bitchy mother days [her performance in “The Manchurian Candidate” (the real one), is still chilling] gives a great performance. Good supporting cast.

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